16 results found for your selection.

Directed by Clementine Malpas
Refugee is a filmmaker project realized by five renowned photographers including Clementine Malpas and Leslie Knott. The photographers travelled the world to illustrate the atrocities of war, political persecution and other root causes of human displacement.

Well-Founded Fear
Directed by Michael Camerini and Shari Robertson
A documentary by filmmakers Shari Robertson and Michael Camerini that depicts the process of asylum decision-making through the eyes of both government officers and the individuals who are interviewed in an attempt to obtain asylum in the United States.

Directed by Tim Tsai
In 1979, a Vietnamese refugee shoots and kills a white crab fisherman at the public town docks inĀ Seadrift, TX. What began as a dispute over fishing territory erupts into violence and ignites a maelstrom of boat burnings, KKK intimidation, and other hostilities against Vietnamese refugees along the Gulf Coast.

God Grew Tired of Us
Directed By Christopher Quinn
Filmmaker Christopher Quinn observes the ordeal of three Sudanese refugees — Jon Bul Dau, Daniel Abul Pach and Panther Bior — as they try to come to terms with the horrors they experienced in their homeland while adjusting to their new lives in the United States.