Peak Vista Community Health Centers

Located on the Myron Stratton campus, our Peak Vista Logan Center is a unique and innovative extension of our health center and handles both the intake process, as well as medical care, for patients with refugee status. With an estimated 150 refugees annually, we work with Lutheran Family Services, as its community partner, in this effort. Coordination between the two agencies includes enrolling patients, reviewing paperwork, identifying appropriate interpretation services, assessing the need for outside evaluations prior to care, communication with caseworkers and coordination of schedules for family medical visits.
We also serve as the point of contact for both the State health department, the University of Denver – Infectious Disease Department, and the El Paso County Department of Health and Environment with regard to the refugee population. In addition, Peak Vista serves as liaison with the State refugee program for completion of all immigration program requirements as per its contract, ensuring all necessary paperwork is forwarded to the State.