Amani Abdallah

Amani Abdallah | Tanzania/Burundi
Amani is a student at the Community College of Aurora, pursuing Respiratory Therapy and Healthcare Management. He works at the Mango House clinic where he helps Refugees, Asylees, Parolees, and undocumented individuals get treatment and apply for green card or citizenship. In the future, he hopes to further his education to become a Perfusionist Anesthesiologist Assistant or perhaps medical student. He wants to be involved in policy, advocacy, and wants to give back to his community.
In his spare time, you’ll find him doing Jiu Jitsu or Wrestling, volunteering or at a mosque, or on the road with a film camera in hand observing as life goes by trying to seek truth in relation to himself.
He was born and raised in the refugee camps of Tanzania as a result of the longstanding division between the Hutu and Tutsi in Burundi. He was resettled in the U.S. in 2015. Outside of Islam and the Qur’an, a few of his favorite books are: Susan Sontag – On Photography; Knowledge and Ignorance: Essays on Lights and Shadows; and The Man Who Knew Infinity.