Mirwais Baheej

Mirwais Baheej | Afghanistan
Mirwais Baheej is a refugee who fled Afghanistan in October 2021 and arrived in Colorado in December 2021. He has served as a government official in Afghanistan for the last 14 years, providing effective leadership in the fields of public health, policy development, and economic growth. He possesses a master’s degree in Governance and Public Policy from the University of Queensland, Australia, and a medical degree from Afghanistan.
Dr. Baheej is passionate about working in the public sector to engage with communities and find solutions to economic and public health problems. As the Senior Policy Advisor on Long COVID and Post Viral Illness Planning at the Colorado Governor’s Office, he is currently examining the impact of Long COVID on the health and socio-economic wellbeing of Coloradans, aiming to address this impact by proposing policy solutions. Dr. Baheej believes in collaboration and tries to be the voice of the immigrant community, advocating for access to equitable opportunities that enable meaningful integration into their new communities. He is also an advocate for the inclusion and promotion of refugees and immigrants in social, civic, and economic spaces.