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Cultural Backgrounder

These resources from the Cultural Orientation Resource Exchange share more about Afghan history, culture, language and more.


Welcome.US is a new national initiative built to inspire, mobilize, and empower Americans from all corners of the country to welcome and support those seeking refuge here. We began with our new Afghan neighbors and have expanded to those fleeing Ukraine, while also building a durable capacity and ability to welcome other newcomers. We operate on the evidence that direct participation with newcomers transforms both the welcomer and those being welcomed. Our ultimate ambition is for every American community – and the nation as a whole – to have the resources and willingness to welcome newcomers, now and in the future.


A one-stop resource hub for refugee service providers in the United States. With the support of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), we offer tools and materials, learning opportunities, research, and technical assistance on resettlement-related topics.


Find. Learn. Thrive. USAHello is an online center for information and education for refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants and welcoming communities. Find information in many languages about life in the US, education, work, immigration and citizenship, health and more.